До відома зацікавлених бізнес-кіл та підприємств громади!
До відома зацікавлених бізнес-кіл та підприємств громади!
Перспективним напрямом торговельно-економічного співробітництва України, а також і Житомирського регіону може стати збільшення експорту продовольчої продукції вітчизняними підприємствами до Карибських країн.
Карибські країни для забезпечення внутрішнього попиту імпортують в основному такі продовольчі товари: перероблені харчові продукти, зернові (пшениця, кукурудза, рис), продукти тваринництва (м'ясо-молочні), алкогольні та безалкогольні напої, соя, цукор і пальмова олія.
Нижче наведено підготовлену МЗС контактну інформацію про торгово-промислові палати карибських держав з метою можливого встановлення зацікавленими підприємствами громади ділових контактів.
Antigua and Barbuda Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd.
P.O. Box 774
Cnr, North and Popcshead Streets St.John's, Antigua and Barbuda Tel: (268) 462-07431 Fax: (268) 462-4575 chatncom@candw.ag
The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce & Employers’ Confederation P. O. Box: N-665
#2 Shirley Street and Collins Avenue Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 322-2X45 | Fax: (242) 322-4649
Barbados Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Braemar Court, Dcighton Road St. Michael, Barbados
Tel: (246) 434-47501 Fax: (246) 228-2907
Belize Chamber of Commerce Sc Industry P. 0. Box 291, First Floor, Withfield Tower 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize Tel: (501) 223-5330 | Fax: (501) 223-5333 bcci@belize.org www.belize.org
Dominica Association of Industry & Commerce
3rd Floor Prcvost Cinemall,
CNR oFKennedy Avenue & Old Street Roseau, Dominica
Tel: (767) 449-19621 Cell: (767) 235-1962
Chamber of Commerce & Production of
Santo Domingo
Avenida 27 de Fcbrero
No. 228, Torre Fruisa, Sector La Espcrilla,
Dominican Republic
Tel: (809) 682-2688
Grenada Chamber of Industry & Commerce P.O. Box 129, Building #11 Frequente, St. George's, Grenada Tel: (473) 440-2937/4485 Fax: (473) 440-6627
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Waterloo Street
North Cummingsburg
Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: (592) 225-5846/ 227-6441
Fax: (592) 226-3519
Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie d’Haiti
Digicel Building,4th Floor 151,
Angle Ave Jean Paul II Sc Impasse Duverger, Turgeau Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel: (509) 2946-7777/ 2943-1173
directionexecutive@ccih.org.ht/ info@cciouest.coin | www.ccih.org.ht
Jamaica Chamber of Commerce 58, Half Way Tree Road,
Kingston, Jamaica Tel: (876) 922-0150-1 mfo@jaiuaicachamber.org.jm www.jamaicacliamber.org.jni
St. Kitts & Nevis Clurnhc«' of Commerce
P. O. Box 332, Horsford Road, Fortiands Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis Tel: (869) 465-2980 Fax: (869)465-4490
St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce
& Agriculture
PO Box 482, Vide Bouteille,
Castries, St. Lucia
Tel: (758) 452-3165/453-1540
Fax: (758) 453-6907
info@stluciach?.mber,org www.stluciachamber.org
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Chamber of
Industry & Commerce
P.O. Box 134, Corea’s Building,
Hillsboro & Halifax Streets,
Kingstown, St. Vincent
St. Vincent Sc the Grenadines
Tel: (784) 457-14641 Fax: (784) 456- 2944
Suriname Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Prof. W.J. A. Kernkampweg 37 Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597)530-311/530-313 Fax:(597)437-971 chamber@sr.net www.surinamechamber.com
Trinidad 8c Tobago Chamber of Industry Si Commerce
P.O. Box 499, Columbus Circle Wesrmoorings, Port of Spain,
Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (868) 637-6966 Fax: (868) 637-7425
Antigua Sc Barbuda Coalition ofServiccs Inc,
P.O. Box W536
St. John’s, Antigua Sc Barbuda
Tel: (268) 481-9219
Email: info@abcsi.org/
Barbados Coalition of Service industries (BCSI)
Building #3 Unit 2B
Harbour Industrial Estate
Bridgetown, Barbados
Tel: (246) 429-5357 | Faxi (246) 429-5352
Belize Coalition of Service Providers
King’s Park Area
Belize City, Belize
Dominica Coalition of Services Industries
14 Hanover Street, Roseau,
Commonwealth of Dominica
Tel: (767) 266-40921 Fax: (767) 440-8740
Dominican Republic Coalition of
Services Industries
Av. 27 de Febrero esq. Tiradentes.
Torre Friusa. Oficinas Camara de Comercio de Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: (809) 540-6186/
(809) 682-2688 Ext. 2337
Grenada Coalition of Service Industries
GIDC Building
Frequente Industrial Park
Grand Anse
St. George’s, Grenada
Tel: (473) 439-92751 Fax: (473) 439-9275
Jamaica Coalition of Services Industries C/o Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO)
Head Office: 18 Trafalgar Road
Kingston 10,Jamaica
Tel: (876) 978-7755/ 3337
St. Kitts & Nevis Coalition of Services 2nd Floor, Wigley Street, Newtown Basseterre, St, Kitts and Nevis Tel: (869) 467-1203
#19 Orange Park Commercial Centre Bois d'Orange, Gros Islet Castries,'Sr. Lucia Tel: (758) 452-7864 slcsi@candw.Ic / info@s!csi.org.lc www.slcsi.org.lc
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Coalition
of Service Industries
c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign
Trade and Consumer Affairs
3rd Floor, Administrative Building
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Tel: (784) 456-2060 svgcsi.official@gmail.com
Trinidad & Tobago Coalition of Services Industries Limited 18 O'Connor Street,
Port of Spain Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (868) 622-9229 Fax: (868) 622-8985 info@ttcsi.org www.ttcsi.org
Barbados Manufacturers' Association (BMA)
Suite 201,Bldg. #8
Harbour Industrial Estate
St, Michael, Barbados
Tel: (246) 426-44741 Fax: (246) 436-5182
Dominica Manufacturers' Association (DMA)
c/o Invest Dominca Authority 1st Floor Financial Centre Kennedy Avenue Roseau, Dominica
Tel: (767) 448-2045 | Fax: (767) 448-5840 info@lnvestdominica.din
Guyana Manufacturers’ and Services Association Ltd.
Waterloo Street
North Cunimingsburg
Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: (592) 223-7405/ 223-7406
Fax: (592) 225-5615
The Jamaica Manufacturers' Association Ltd.
85A Duke Street
Tel: (876) 922-8880-3/ 922-8869
Fax: (876) 922-9205
St. Lucia Manufacturers' Association
P.O. Box MF 7177
24 Upper Bridge Street
Castries, St. Lucia
Tel: (758) 453-7805
Suriname Manufacturers' Association Coppenamestraat 187 Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597) 43-4014 info@asfasuriname.com
Trinidad & Tobago Manufacturers'
42 Tenth Avenue
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: (868) 675-88621 Fax: (868) 675-0095
Bahamas Agricultural Si Industrial Corporation
BAIC Head Ofilcc & Training Centre
Old Trail Rond, Opp. BTVI
P.O. Box N-4940, Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 396-3725/6
Fax: (242)322-2123
Barhados Investment & Development Corporation (BEDC)
P.O. Box 1250, Pclican House Princess Alice Highway Bridgetown, St Michael BB11000 Barbados
Tel: (246) 427-5350 Fax: (246)426-7802/2300 bidc@bidc.org www.bidc.org
Belize Trade Si Investment Development Service (8ELTRAIDE)
14 Orchid Garden Street Belmopan City Cayo District, Belize Tel: (501) 822-3737 beltraide@belhteinvest.org.bz or BelizeINVEST@beli2einvesc.0rg.bz or EXPORTBeIize@belizeinvest.org.bz www.belizcinvest.org.bz
Dominica Export Import Agency (DEX5A)
P.O. Box 173 Bayfiront, Roseau Commonwealth of Dominica Tel: (767) 448-2780/ 3494/ 3495 Fax: (767) 448-6308 iiifo@dexia.dm www.dcawebsites.com/dexia
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Competitive Business Unit P.O. Box 769
4th Floor, Financial Center Kennedy Avenue, Roseau Commonwealth of Dominica Tel: (767) 448-2240 Fax; (767) 448-5554 eduintocentcr@oecs.org cdu@oecs.org
Centre for Export & Investment
of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD)
Avc. 27 de Febrero
Esq. Ave.Gregorlo Lupcron
frentc a la Plaza de la Bandera
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tel: (809) 530-5505
Fax: (809) 530-8208
Grenada Investment Development Corporation Frequente Industrial Park St. George’s, Grenada
Tel: (473) 444-1033-5/
inves t@grcnadaidc.com wvw.gtcnadaidc.com/
Jamaica Promotions Corporation
Head Office, 18 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10, Jamaica Tel: (876) 978-7755/3337 Fax: (876) 946-0090 i nfo@jamprocorp.com mvw.jamaicattadeandinvest.org
St. Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA)
P.O. Box CP 5524
2nd Floor, Hewanorra House
Pointe Seraphine, Castries, St. Lucia
Tel: (758) 468-2145/2286
Fax: (758) 452-4606
Suriname Business Development Centre
Executive Office of the Suriname
Business Forum
Hendrikstraat 69
1st Floor, Motconshoop, Suriname
Tel: (597) 49-9010
Fax: (597)49-9011
info@sbc.sr / seerecacy@sbc.5r
I51B Charlotte Street
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: (868) 612-3988
Fax: (868)625-8126
Dominican Association of Exporters (ADOEXPO)
Calle Virgilio Diaz Ord6nez No. 42 Esq. Viriato Fiallo, Ens. Julieta Santo Domingo, D.N.
Dominican Republic Tel: (809) 567-6779 info@adocxpo.org | mvw.adocxpo.org
Jamaica Exporters’ Association 1 Winchester Road, Kingston 10 Jamaica
Tel: (876) 960-4908 | Fax: (876) 960-9869
The Grenada Exporters Association
C/O Grenada Bureau of Standards
P.O. Box 2036
Queen’s Park
St. Georges, Grenada
Tel: (473) 440-5886/ 440-6783
Fax: (473) 440-5554
Antigua Sc Barbuda Investment Authority
Sagicor Financial Centre
80 Factory Road, St John’s, Antigua
Tel: (268) 480-1000
Fax: (268) 480-1020
'liic Bahamas Investment Authority
PO Box CB-10980
2nd Floor, Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield
Centre, West Bay Street
Nassau, Uic Bahamas
Tel: (242) 327-5826-8 | Fax: (242) 327-5806
Invest Barbados
Trident Insurance Financial Centre Hastings, Christ Church Barbados
Tel: (246) 626-20001 Fax: (246) 626-2099
info@invcstbarbados.org www.investbarbados.org
Belize Trade & Investment Development Service (BFXTRAIDE)
14 Orchid Garden Street Belmopan City Cayo District, Belize Tel: (501) 822-3737 bcitraide@belizeinvesc.org.bz or BelizeINVEST@belizeinvest.org.bz or EXPOU.TBclizc@belizcmvcst.org.bz www.belizeinvest.org.bz
Cayman Islands Department of Commerce & Investment P.O Box 126
133 Elgin Avenue, George Town 2nd Floor,
Government Administration Building
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Tel; (345) 945-0943
Fax: (345)945-0941
Curacao Ministry of Economic
Amidos Building, 1st Floor
Pletrerijweg I) 43
Tel: (5999) 462-1444 Fax:(5999)462-7590 info@curinvest.coni www.curinvest.com
Invest Dominica Authority Ist Floor Financial Centre Roseau, Dominica Tel: (767) 448-2045 Fax: (767) 448-5X40
Centre for Export & Investment of the
Dominican Republic (OEi-RDl
Ave. 27 de Febtero
Esq. Ave,Gregorio Luperon
frcnte a la Plaza de la Bandera
Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic Tel: (809) 530-5505 Fax: (809) 530-8208
Grenada Investment Development •
Frequente Industrial Park
St. George's, Grenada
Tel: (473) 444-1033-5 /
Guyana Office for Investment (GO-INVEST)
190 Camp & Church Streets
Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: (592) 227-0653/ 0654/ 0658
Fax: (592) 225-0655
Centre de Facilitation des Invcstissements en Haiti 27 Rue Armand Holly, Debussy Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel: (509) 2813-0367/
(509) 2813-0369
Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO)
Head Office,
18 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10, Jamaica Tel: (876) 978-7755/3337 Fax: (876) 946-0090 info@jamprocorp.con> www.jamaicatradcandinvest.org
St. Kitts Investment Promotion Agency (SKIPA)
2nd Floor, KOI Building One Airport Road,
Golden Rock. St. Kitts and Nevis
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS Tel: (869)465-1153 Fax: (869) 465-1154 office@investstkitts.kn www.investstkitts.kn
Invest St. Lucia P.O. Box 495
1st Floor Heraldine Rock Building Waterfront, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: (758) 457-3400 Fax:(758)452-1841 lnfo@investstlucia.com www.investsducia.com
Invest SVG P.O. Box 2442
2nd Floor Administrative Building,
Bay Street Kingstown
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: (784) 457-2159 Fax: (784) 456-2688 info@investsvg.com www, investsvg.com
Investment Development Corporation Suriname
Brokopondolaan 97 Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597) 49-3186 / 49-4374 Fax: (597) 49-4387 info@idcs.sr
InvesTT Trinidad & Tobago Level 19, Nicholas Tower 63-65 Independence Square,
Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: (868) 225-5819 /4688 Fax:(868)225-5820
Tucks & Caicos Ministr y i/i Financc.
Trade & Investment
The Investment Unit
N.J.S Francis Building
Pond Street, Grand Turk
Turks and Caicos Islands
Tel: (649) 946-1587
Fax: (649) 946*1498
www.gov.tc/min is try- of- financc- invcstmcnt-and-tradc